关于「 son」的内容列表

The total lock-up volume of Sonic Eco exceeded 1 billion US dollars

According to Whale Insider's disclosure of DeFiLlama data, Sonic (formerly FTM) ecological total lock-up TVL has exceeded $1 billion, currently touching $1.01 billion, and its ecological AAVE V3 total lock-up reached $264.55 million, an increase of 72.99% in the past 7 days.

2025-03-27 11:17:54

据Whale Insider披露DeFiLlama数据显示,Sonic(前身为FTM)生态总锁仓量TVL已突破10亿美元,当前触及10.1亿美元,其生态下的AAVE V3总锁仓量达到2.6455亿美元,过去7天涨幅为72.99%。

2025-03-27 11:17:54
Sonic Announces Its TVL Breaks $1 billion

Sonic announced that its total lock-up value (TVL) has exceeded $1 billion.

2025-03-27 11:11:49
Sonic 宣布其 TVL 突破 10 亿美元

Sonic 官方发文宣布其总锁仓价值(TVL)已突破 10 亿美元。

2025-03-27 11:11:49
Open interoperability framework Hyperlane launches Soneium

Open interoperability framework Hyperlane has tweeted that Soneium is live, and developers on Soneium can now build cross-chain applications and token bridges.

2025-03-25 01:44:11
开放式互操作性框架 Hyperlane 上线 Soneium

开放式互操作性框架 Hyperlane 发推表示已上线 Soneium,Soneium 上的开发人员现在可以构建跨链应用程序和代币桥。

2025-03-25 01:44:11
Sonic Labs Releases Soni Points Update: Proposed to Increase USDC.e Multiplier by 6x

Sonic Labs released a Sonic Points update, which revealed that it is increasing the USDC.e multiplier to 6x, in addition to whitelisting two new assets: aUSDC and bUSDC.e-20. Sonic Labs also said it will reduce the display of Sonic Points by 1000x, but only affect the display, not the value of the points.

2025-03-22 14:40:26
Sonic Labs发布Soni Points更新:拟将USDC.e乘数提高到6倍

Sonic Labs发布Sonic Points更新,其中披露正在将USDC.e乘数提高到6倍,此外还将两个新资产列入白名单,分别是:aUSDC和bUSDC.e-20。Sonic Labs还表示把Sonic Points的积分展示缩小1000倍,但仅影响展示,而非积分价值。

2025-03-22 14:40:26
index resonance abnormality

Coking coal index resonance function shows that the current coking coal futures main contract has a number of technical indicators intensive resonance at the XXX price, and the market attention is high. Click to get real-time indicator resonance dynamics.

2025-03-21 14:26:12
Circle hints that native USDC and CCTP V2 are coming to Sonic

According to Cointelegraph, Circle has hinted that native USDC and CCTP V2 are coming to Sonic soon.

2025-03-21 03:37:36
Circle暗示原生USDC和CCTP V2即将登陆Sonic

据Cointelegraph报道,Circle暗示原生USDC和CCTP V2即将登陆Sonic。

2025-03-21 03:37:36

3月20日消息,Sonic联合创始人Andre Cronje(AC)于X发文表示,团队在算法稳定币相关领域已有技术突破,但以往周期所发生的事情已给其留下了“创伤后应激障碍”(PTSD),不确定是否应该实施这个方案。

2025-03-21 00:47:05
Morgan Stanley strategist Wilson: US stocks will not hit new highs in the first half of this year

Morgan Stanley's Michael Wilson said the wild swings that plagued Wall Street in 2025 are likely to continue at least through the second half of the year, with shares expected to remain below the highs hit last month. The firm's chief U.S. equity strategist expects any near-term gains to be temporary and led by low-quality companies, given the uncertainty surrounding the outlook for corporate and economic growth. "My best guess is that this will be a rolling recovery," Wilson said in an intervie...

2025-03-20 22:51:46

摩根士丹利的Michael Wilson表示,2025年困扰华尔街的美股剧烈波动可能至少持续到今年下半年,股价预计将维持在上个月触及的高点之下。该公司的首席美股策略师预计,鉴于企业和经济增长前景笼罩在不确定性之下,任何近期的上涨都是暂时的,并且涨势由低质量的公司引领。“我的最佳猜测是这将是滚动式复苏,”Wilson在接受采访时表示...

2025-03-20 22:51:46
index resonance abnormality

The resonance function of the alumina index shows that the main contract of the current alumina futures has a dense resonance of multiple technical indicators at the XXX price, and the market has a high degree of attention. Click to get real-time indicator resonance dynamics.

2025-03-20 13:57:27

7x24 快讯